Information for patients - WSQO Covid-19 precautions.
If you have been before you will know the pride we take in welcoming our patients on their arrival. We very much hope to carry on doing so but at the same time balancing this with the new priority of keeping you safe from Covid-19 whilst you are in the Practice.
This means that with your cooperation, we will all follow a new set of procedures. These are listed below.
1. It is your responsibility not to come to the practice for an appointment if you have any of the symptoms listed below or if you have come into contact with anyone with these symptoms within the last fourteen days. We are required to phone you within 24 hours of your appointment to confirm that this is the case.
A new persistent cough: This means coughing continually for an hour or more having 2 or more coughing episodes in any 24 hour period.
A fever: This means having a temperature over 37.8 Having a hot chest or back or having spells warm /old and shivery.
Short of breath: this means searching for air when just doing normal every day things.
2. Please come to the front door five minutes before your appointment, ring the front doorbell, which will be cleaned afterwards. Someone will come and let you in. Please do not come to the Practice any sooner.
3. Once in the Practice you will be asked to sign a form saying you have read this sheet and consent to treatment under these conditions. You will be asked to use a hand sanitizer to ‘wash’ your hands. Assuming your temperature is normal we will then ask for payment, which is by card only, we cannot take any cash or cheques at this time. After this you will be shown into the room that you will be treated in.
4. After treatment if you require further treatment this can be booked at the time by your osteopath.
Other things you should know are that:
After each treatment the plinth, all hard surfaces and door handles will be cleaned. No towelling sheets will be used.
All coverings for plinths will be changed after each treatment and disposed of.
Osteopaths will be operating strict hand washing procedures.
Throughout the day our receptionists will be cleaning and disinfecting all public areas, toilets and hallways of the Practice.
The Practice will be deep cleaned and disinfected every weekend by a specialist cleaning company.
27th January 2022.